Embryo Freezing in Houston
Freezing of Embryos and Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
Freezing embryos for various reasons is a routine technique we perform in our IVF laboratory every day. The first embryo freezing was performed in the 1980’s. Since then, embryo freezing techniques and pregnancy rates have improved significantly. We currently use rapid freezing, also known as vitrification, which leads to very high survival rates after thawing embryos at the time of the planned (future) transfer . Embryo freezing in Houston allows us to perform PGS at the blastocyst stage, which leads to the identification of the embryos with the best chance to achieve implantation or pregnancy.
We also perform embryo freezing in Houston for fertility preservation for elective and medical reasons such as advancing reproductive age or prior to cancer treatments.
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) is performed once the patient is ready to get pregnant. The uterus is prepared to accept the embryo through hormonal manipulation. An embryo is thawed and painlessly injected in the uterus under transabdominal ultrasound guidance. Patients get a printed picture of their embryo prior to the FET.