It’s no secret that diet and nutrition directly impact your overall health, and the right choices can prevent disease, strengthen your immune system, and help you maintain a healthy weight. But did you know that there are certain foods that may actually boost fertility? If you’re embarking on a North Houston IVF journey, it might be helpful to consider adding certain foods to your diet that could increase your chances of a successful pregnancy.
Foods Our North Houston Fertility Clinic Specialists Recommend During IVF Treatment
If you’re looking to achieve a successful IVF pregnancy at our Kingwood fertility clinic or The Woodlands fertility clinic, we recommend a diet rich in antioxidants, whole grains, and healthy fats. The following foods may be helpful to those looking to optimize their fertility diet:
- Citrus fruits: vitamin C has been touted to improve the health of semen and ova. Squeeze some lemon or lime juice into your ice water or slice some oranges in the morning to snack on throughout the day.
- Full-fat dairy: Full-fat dairy is rich in saturated fats, which can boost fertility and reduce the likelihood of ovulation problems. Swap your skim milk for whole milk and reach for full-fat yogurt and cheese options instead of those labeled low-fat or fat-free.
- Oysters: Oysters contain a plethora of fertility-boosting nutrients such as vitamin B12, zinc, and iron. Raw oysters should only be consumed before the embryo transfer, but fully-cooked oysters are safe to eat at any time in the IVF process.
- Eggs: Eggs–especially the yolks–are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and E, and are a great source of protein. Scramble a few for breakfast or keep some hard-boiled eggs in the fridge for a healthy afternoon snack.
- Pineapple: Pineapples are rich in bromelain, which reduces inflammation and boosts your immune system. Since chronic inflammation has been suggested to suppress ovulation, bromelain is a good addition to your fertility diet. Many grocery stores carry freshly-sliced pineapple in their produce sections, making it even easier to enjoy.
Foods to Avoid While Undergoing Kingwood IVF Or The Woodlands IVF Treatment
When following a healthy fertility diet, what you don’t eat can be just as important as what you do. Some foods and beverages can prevent proper ovulation, increase inflammation, and raise insulin levels, all of which can affect your chances for a successful IVF pregnancy. Our North Houston fertility clinic specialists recommend avoiding the following:
- Refined carbohydrates: White bread, pasta, and sugary foods and drinks all cause your blood sugar to spike quickly, affecting insulin levels in the body. Elevated insulin can negatively impact reproductive hormones and stunt egg maturation.
- Trans fats: Like refined carbohydrates, trans fats can also affect your insulin levels, so stay away from fried foods and overly processed products that contain hydrogenated vegetable oil.
- Alcohol: High alcohol consumption has long been associated with infertility, and even moderate alcohol consumption should be avoided during your North Houston IVF process, especially following embryo transfer.
Discuss Your Fertility Diet Options At Our North Houston Fertility Clinic
Making the right choices during the IVF process can increase your chances for a successful pregnancy, so request an appointment to our Kingwood fertility clinic or The Woodlands fertility clinic; we’ll answer your questions, suggest ways to promote a healthy lifestyle, and offer you the support you need during your North Houston IVF journey.

If you’re beginning your North Houston IVF journey at our Kingwood fertility clinic or The Woodlands fertility clinic, you likely have some questions about the process. Our skilled team of medical professionals will be with you each step of the way, managing your expectations and ensuring the best chance for a successful IVF treatment.
What To Expect At Your First North Houston Fertility Clinic Visit
Deciding to undergo IVF is an important decision, so building a relationship with you is our top priority. We’ll begin by gathering essential information regarding your medical history and fertility goals. If North Houston IVF is right for you, we’ll walk through the following steps of the process and answer any questions that arise.
Before the Procedure
Infertility testing is an important part of the IVF process. This is done through a series of blood tests to measure hormone levels, as well as tests for infectious diseases and genetic anomalies. We will also complete a uterine exam and semen analysis in order to determine the best method of insemination.
The North Houston IVF Process
Once these tests have been completed at our Kingwood IVF clinic or Woodlands IVF clinic and In Vitro Fertilization is determined to be the most suitable method for you, you can expect the following:
Step 1 - Fertility Medications
Because not all eggs a woman’s body produces will fertilize or develop normally, multiple eggs are needed for the North Houston IVF process. You’ll receive hormones to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs each month. This process usually takes between 1-2 weeks.
Step 2 - Egg Retrieval
Egg retrieval occurs through a minor medical procedure completed in our office. A hollow needle is inserted to collect the eggs, which usually takes around 20 minutes. We provide medication to lessen discomfort during and after the procedure.
Step 3 - Sperm Retrieval
The sperm sample is collected in our office (unless using donor sperm, in which this step can be omitted).
Step 4 – Fertilization
The egg and sperm are introduced and incubated overnight in our onsite North Houston IVF lab to encourage fertilization.
Step 5 - Embryo Transfer
Embryo transfer typically occurs after the embryo has grown to the day-5 blastocyst stage. First, a catheter will be placed inside the vagina, where a syringe containing the embryo is attached. Using this syringe, the doctor will place the embryo or embryos into your uterus.
After The Procedure
About two weeks after egg retrieval, we will run a blood test to determine if the procedure was successful. If so, we recommend you begin prenatal care visits as soon as possible.
Are You Considering North Houston IVF At Our Kingwood Or The Woodlands Fertility Clinics?
Infertility is a battle that doesn't need to be fought alone. Our North Houston IVF specialists in Kingwood and The Woodlands are here to support you in your fertility journey. If you're considering undergoing IVF, please request an appointment with our fertility specialists so we can further discuss your case. We look forward to working with you!

Think you and your partner are facing infertility? Before seeking infertility treatment such as North Houston IVF at our Kingwood or The Woodlands IVF clinics, the first step is to get tested. In this article, our fertility specialists will discuss when is the right time to get tested for infertility.
Why Get Tested For Infertility Before Undergoing North Houston IVF?
IVF is a popular infertility treatment, but first you need to determine if you need it. Fertility tests can be conducted in a number of ways, each of which helps doctors determine whether a couple is facing infertility, what is causing it, and what are the best options for them going forward.
When Should You Get Fertility Testing Done?
If you and your partner have attempted to get pregnant for over a year with no results, then it may be time for both of you to get tested so you can better understand what’s going on. Sometimes it just takes a while to get pregnant, so seeking testing after just a few months of trying isn’t necessary. However, if you’re a woman over 35 who hasn’t had any success getting pregnant for 6 months, this is a good time to get tested.
How Do Fertility Tests Work?
A fertility test starts out with your doctor asking you and your partner about your medical and sexual histories and then completing a physical. Following this, the doctor may evaluate a woman’s eggs, uterus, and fallopian tubes with a pelvic exam and ultrasound.
For men, their sperm and semen may be evaluated through a semen analysis, which will give the doctor insight on sperm count, sperm quality/shape/size, sperm speed, and the amount of seminal fluid.
In the event that the answer isn’t found with these exams, there are additional exams that may be administered. Our specialists in our Kingwood IVF and The Woodlands IVF clinics want to assure you that there is no need to get discouraged. Infertility is complex, but there is a possibility you can surpass it with North Houston IVF.
Once You Learn Why You Can’t Get Pregnant, What’s Next?
The type of fertility treatment plan we recommend to you will depend on the test results. We may recommend In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), or other, less common (but still effective) treatments. It all depends on the individual.
HART Fertility Is Committed To Helping Infertile Couples Get Pregnant With North Houston IVF
Whether you are in or near Kingwood or The Woodlands, our North Houston fertility clinic is committed to supporting you in your pursuit of pregnancy. If you would like to undergo fertility treatment, then please request an appointment with our IVF specialists. We will work with you to determine which fertility methods may work best for you.

Egg freezing is a fantastic way to preserve your fertility in the event that you aren’t ready for kids yet, but wish to have some in the future. If it has been a few years and you’re ready to use them, this article will explain the steps that follow in your fertility journey.
Once You’ve Frozen Your Eggs, It’s Time To Undergo IVF
Once you decide you’re ready to attempt getting pregnant, we will proceed with North Houston IVF at one of our IVF clinics in Kingwood or The Woodlands.
IVF is a process in which we fertilize an egg outside of the body. Once the egg has been fertilized, we will let it grow to the day-5 embryo stage–known as the blastocyst stage–and then conduct Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT).
Preimplantation Genetic Testing To Improve Your Chances Of Carrying A Successful Pregnancy
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) is a way to determine if your embryo has a high chance of leading to a successful birth. The fertility specialists at our Kingwood IVF or The Woodlands IVF clinics will conduct genetic testing by performing a simple biopsy on the embryo, which gives us insight into embryo quality by showing any genetic abnormalities that may affect your chances of achieving a successful birth. If the embryo is genetically healthy, our Houston fertility doctors will transfer it to your uterus and conduct a pregnancy test after 10 days.
North Houston Frozen Embryo Transfer
Once the embryo has undergone PGT, Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) is the next step. At this time, we will prepare your uterus for pregnancy so it can accept the embryo. Our Kingwood and The Woodlands IVF specialists achieve this by administering hormonal medication so that your body undergoes the same hormonal changes it would with a conventional pregnancy. After a period of taking hormonal medication, the uterus is ready. We will thaw the frozen embryo and inject it into the uterus with the help of an abdominal ultrasound. You won’t feel any pain when this occurs.
North Houston IVF Specialists In The Woodlands And Kingwood Can Help You Achieve A Successful Pregnancy
If you have frozen your eggs and are ready to get pregnant, or would like to learn more about egg freezing, then please request an appointment with our IVF specialists. We want to provide the support you need to achieve your dreams of motherhood.

According to Penn Medicine, 1 to 2% of U.S. births every year are achieved through In Vitro Fertilization, also known as IVF. If you have been trying to get pregnant for over a year with no luck, then you may be experiencing infertility. North Houston IVF, a popular fertility treatment at our Kingwood and The Woodlands fertility clinics, is an option many patients turn to. So, is Kingwood and The Woodlands IVF right for you? Here’s what we think.
Understanding What North Houston IVF Is
Before you consider IVF, let’s discuss what it is.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the process by which an egg is fertilized by sperm outside of the body in one of our specialized Kingwood and The Woodlands IVF labs. After the fertilized egg develops into a day-5 embryo–known as the Blastocyst–we will implant it into the intended mother’s uterus (unless you opt for IVF with a gestational carrier).
Is North Houston IVF The Right Fertility Option For You?
Now that you understand what IVF is, here is what may make for a good North Houston IVF candidate:
In addition to good health–which may be improved upon by following a fertility-boosting diet–you might be a good IVF candidate if you:
- Have been trying to naturally conceive for over a year
- Haven’t successfully become pregnant with other fertility treatments, such as IUI
- Have been diagnosed with endometriosis
- Suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
- Are suffering from a low sperm count or low motility
- Are an LGBTQ+ couple
Ultimately, Fertility Testing And Our North Houston IVF Specialists Will Help Determine If IVF Is Right For You And Your Partner
IVF is effective for couples faced with several different circumstances, and our Kingwood and The Woodlands IVF clinics have impressive IVF success rates. However, we don’t usually recommend IVF as the first method to treat infertility. Often, lower-cost options may still result in a healthy pregnancy, but this just depends on our patients’ situations. If you would like to determine if North Houston IVF is a good option for you, please request an appointment with our IVF specialists in Kingwood or The Woodlands so we can begin our relationship with you by understanding your medical and sexual histories and initiating infertility testing.