Frequently Asked Questions About North Houston IVF (Part 3)
HART Fertility Clinic, which serves both the Kingwood and The Woodlands, is renowned for its North Houston IVF treatment. Our advanced, state-of-the-art IVF laboratory is the very reason for our above-national-average normal and healthy embryo rates. Because of this, many couples hoping to become parents turn to our North Houston IVF specialists for guidance and help. Here is part 3 of our North Houston IVF FAQ.
If I Undergo IVF, When Are Frozen Embryos Transferred?
Freezing your embryos is an alternative to freezing your eggs. Transferring the frozen embryo can take place during your natural cycle or a controlled cycle, depending on your body and it is painless. If your cycle has always been regular and predictable, then transferring during your natural cycle will be fairly easy and effective because it already prepares your uterus for pregnancy. On the other hand, if your cycle is rather erratic and unpredictable, our IVF specialists will put you on hormonal fertility medication (estrogen and progesterone) to prepare the uterus for pregnancy.
If I’m An Out-Of-Town Patient, Can I Travel Home Right After Kingwood or The Woodlands IVF?
In IVF, the actual implantation is a fairly straightforward and quick process that is relatively pain-free. Most patients that come from out of town can expect to travel back home the day after or, in some cases, the day of. You may continue with your daily life as you normally would. About 10 days later, you will get some blood work done to test for pregnancy.
Does North Houston IVF Use Up All My Eggs?
Women with normal cycles who don’t need fertility treatments have hundreds of thousands of eggs around the time at which puberty takes place. Every month, one particular egg is selected to become fertilized while others undergo a natural death called atresia. If it isn’t fertilized, menstruation takes place. When women undergo IVF at our fertility clinic in The Woodlands or Kingwood, we give them egg-stimulating injections. This actually gives you more eggs and also prevents other eggs from undergoing atresia.
Visit Our North Houston IVF Clinic in Kingwood and The Woodlands
Although we are best-known for IVF, we offer several other fertility treatments that each yield great success. If you are considering undergoing fertility treatment, please request an appointment so we can determine which treatment works best for you and your partner. We look forward to supporting you on the wonderful journey of pregnancy and IVF.