Finding A Good Sperm Donor Prior To The Woodlands IVF
Relying on donor sperm to conceive through IVF is a highly sought fertility treatment amongst same-sex couples, single women, and couples facing male infertility. In this article, we will discuss how you can pick the best sperm donor for your fertility journey as you prepare to undergo IVF at our fertility clinic in The Woodlands or Kingwood.
Locate The Right Sperm Bank
There are a plethora of sperm banks out there, but not all sperm banks are created equally. Our North Houston fertility specialists–who provide several fertility treatments and therapies to those in Kingwood and The Woodlands–urge you to go to an FDA approved sperm bank. We will give you the names of the FDA approved sperm banks so you can rest assured that all the necessary legalities are already in place and that the sperm you choose has been properly stored and retrieved.
Consider A Sperm Matching Tool
Many couples try to avoid using donor sperm to conceive because they want a baby that is truly theirs, and we completely understand! However, donor sperm is a remarkable way to conceive a healthy baby and carry a pregnancy to term, especially now that there are several matching tools available. Many FDA approved sperm banks also offer a matching tool, which lets intended parents learn more about the donor. Through this tool, you will learn things such as the donor's age, race/ethnicity, overall health, and even career information.
Learn About Sperm Donors’ Personalities
Most FDA approved sperm banks take the time to get to know every donor they come in contact with and create files about their personalities so parents can take into account certain traits similar to the intended father’s. These traits include temperament, sense of humor, likes and dislikes, talents, and what made these donors who they are today. This also makes the search for a donor even easier if you already know what personality traits you hope your baby will inherit.
The Woodlands IVF Specialists Will Support You In Your Fertility Journey
Now that you know more about using a sperm donor to get pregnant, if you are considering this method of fertility treatment, please request an appointment so we can learn more about your needs and goals. Know that our team of IVF specialists at our clinic in The Woodlands is here to support you the entire way and looks forward to helping you achieve your dream of parenthood!